Friday, August 28, 2020
Computerize Enrollment Essay
This Chapter presents the proposed investigation about. It likewise shows the issue that the advocates experienced during the exploration of the proposed investigation. Show the distinction of the proposed framework to the current framework. Presentation The greater part of instructive institutional foundation today uniquely on those schools with specialization in educating in the line of advances are utilizing mechanized frameworks. It can support foundations or organizations to give greater quality support of their clients. This can bring about a framework with very much incorporated procedures that can perform a lot quicker and more exact than a manual framework. Enlistment is the way toward contributing and checking information of understudy to enroll on a specific school. The Enrollment System is utilized so the school will have a record of data of an understudy, following or recovering of their data will be conceivable. The checking of installments and perusing of understudy bills is additionally the utilized of an enlistment framework. Enlistment System is a case of PC created process. This will decrease the remaining task at hand and gives precise data required of the school. As the outcome this won't just advantage the understudies yet in addition the representatives of a specific foundation. The Enrollment System is extremely fundamental for a school. On account of AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS, they are utilizing a manual framework made out of a pen and an application structure. The understudy or a candidate unquestionably having a few eradications, and an obscurely hand composing that makes the data off base. Checking of the mistaken data will prompt a few blunders during the time spent the enlistment. Over our perception, human mediations will exceptionally include in this sort of framework. Therefore, this may include blunders and repetition of information coming about difficulties in association. Foundation of the Study The AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS is an instructive foundation represent considerable authority in the line of innovations, giving quality training since 1990 they make their make name by the understudy who make the â€Å"I love you Virus†from that point forward AMA has norms of giving the a best instruction in the line of Information Technology. The AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS has a populace assessed of 400+ understudies from various courses and year level that as of now contemplating this semester. AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS are utilizing a familiarize framework candidates or understudies continually making some hard memories topping off application structures and take a ton of time in the enlistment procedure. With the huge populace of understudies representatives needed to accomplish a great deal work. Explanation of the Problem The advocates planned to create and looked to answer the accompanying explicit issues 1. What is the segment profile of the respondents as far as: 1.1 Name; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Gender; 1.4 Year Level; 1.5 Course; 2. What is the issues experienced in the current framework? 3. What is the potential answers for maintain a strategic distance from the issues in the current framework? 4. What is the distinction of the current framework between the proposed framework. 4.1; Accuracy 4.2; Convenience 4.3; Usefulness 4.4; Speed 4.5; User-accommodating Speculation The defenders to have an investigation if there is an importance contrast between the current framework and the proposed framework as far as exactness, comfort, helpfulness, speed, and easy to understand interface. Essentialness of the Study The examination announce that the proposed framework can be an extraordinary assistance to the accompanying: Understudies. The proposed framework can assist the understudies with having a less time, exertion on the enlistment procedure. Workers/Professor. The proposed framework can help the representatives less the remaining burden and spare a ton of time that were required in the enlistment procedure Notoriety Significance. The proposed framework will improve the notoriety of the school by leveling the sort of framework to different colleges. Extension and Delimitation of the Study The Study centers around how the understudies and workers have an advantage of sparing a great deal of time, giving a less exertion, diminishing of human mistakes, exactness and speed of determining data. The Study is constrained assistance when it come to online access of the clients, contrasted with the Online Enrollment System of the University of Santo Thomas that clients can get to on the web. Meaning of Terms To Understand the various phrasings that were utilized in the proposed investigation, the defenders had given the accompanying wordings. Enlistment. is the way toward entering and checking information of understudy to enroll on a specific school. Electronic System. A procedure or activity coordinated by utilizing a PC or different gadgets. Online System. A procedure or activity that controlled by the internet and available to any clients that has a web association.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Victors Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Victors Dilemma - Essay Example Considering the dangers engaged with the initial two alternatives, the likelihood of gaining cash by picking any of the two changes. In the Figure 1, the three alternatives are generously assessed as far as the likelihood of each and the payouts every choice involves. On the off chance that Victor decides to sue the driver, there is an equivalent possibility of him to win or to lose. Be that as it may, this alternative will cost him a level expense of $500. Losing the case will cost him only the $500 expense for suing. The choice of taking steps to sue naturally costs Victor $100 for the letter. Further choices will rely upon the driver's response. On the off chance that the driver offers a settlement offer of $1000, this implies there is a higher possibility of him winning the case on the off chance that he decides to sue. This is spoken to by a 60/40 likelihood in the figure. On the off chance that the driver overlooks the letter, it suggests that Victor's possibility of losing the case on the off chance that he wishes to seek after the case in the court diminishes. He may to overlook the case too. This leads hi m to doing the third choice which is sitting idle. Doing nothing subsequent to taking steps to sue costs him $100 for the letter. However, on the off chance that he picks the third alternative without sending any letter, it would not cost him anything. It even gives him harmony, which is esteemed as $100. Figure 2 shows the evaluated estimation of every choice.
Friday, August 21, 2020
In 1968, a man called Franco Zefferelli produced a film of the Shakespeare classic Essay Example For Students
In 1968, a man called Franco Zefferelli delivered a film of the Shakespeare exemplary Essay In 1968, a man called Franco Zefferelli delivered a film of the Shakespeare great; Romeo and Juliet. Anyway in 1997 a more up to date form of the film was made by a man called Baz Lurham, and by contrasting the two, you will quickly have the option to see how much the two adaptations vary. This is down to the distinction of translation between the two chiefs of what precisely the desires for the crowds were around then. Clearly the crowds of 1968 would have been expecting a common exemplary rendition of the Shakepeare play on-screen, while the crowds of 1997 would have been expecting something considerably more current and like the world we live in today. Not exclusively is this the case, however the way that the two executives have picked two amazingly various settings for the movies will have influenced the result. Not overlooking that additionally somewhere in the range of 1968 and 1997 numerous things on the planet had changed, for instance; there were currently weapons though in 1997 they had blades, thus this would have likewise had a major influence in the varying of the two movies. In the Zefferelli rendition the Capulets and the Montagues are two Roman Catholic families with a long on-going quarrel, both living in the town of Verona in the hour of the medieval times. While the Lurhman adaptation is set in the twentieth century in the West Coast State, Venice Beach, with the Capulets being run of the mill West Coast American Hispanics and the Montagues being White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Albeit numerous things contrast in the later film from the first film, two principle viewpoints are kept the equivalent; the general storyline and language utilized. Looking at the two movies, bits of the storyline contrasted yet concerning the genuine Shakespeare story, that had not changed. In the two forms, we are acquainted with Benvolio, the Montague pack pioneer who was quite a harmony attendant, particularly dissimilar to Tybalt, the Capulet posse pioneer who is a very firey character. Likewise in the two forms the executives decided to utilize unique Shakespearean English all through the film despite the fact that in Lurhmans adaptation it has been somewhat modernized for the crowds purpose. You could acclimate the two movies through the perspective that the two families/posses are dressed as though in outfits. Anyway the likeness remains there as the in the primary the Capulet family are dressed brilliantly and the Montagues slowly and in the second the Capulets are currentl y wearing dull hues and the Montagues in splendid. Dissimilar to Zefferelli, who utilized only the apparel to recognize the two families from each other, Lurhman utilizes this yet additionally iconography utilizing pack peaks, and freeze edges to distinguish the different sides in a progressively evident and sharp way. One of the fundamental contrasts between the initial scenes of the Zefferelli variant and the Lurhman form is the preamble. In the first Zefferelli variant we are given a somewhat long preamble read gradually, serenely educating us regarding the quarrel. Anyway in the second, the Lurhman adaptation, we are given a gigantically differentiating preface where it blasts onto the clear screen out of the blue as a news report with breaking news, and is perused in a quick, educational and progressively genuine way. Likewise in the primary, the introduction is welcomed with a quieting song and all encompassing perspectives on the town of Verona. Though in the subsequent it is welcomed with noisy choral music catching your eye, and a mosaic of various clasps and pictures (secret reel) from further on in the film to give us a thought of what we are in for. He did this as the crowd of today can identify with it much more than Zefferellis as they will be accustomed to seeing breaking news gives an account of the TV. .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 , .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .postImageUrl , .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 , .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:hover , .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:visited , .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:active { border:0!important; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:active , .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1a199 d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1a199d78c0b9cf1ee00d2d5912071eb3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The manner in which Shakespeare keeps up the crowd's consideration EssayAfter the early on preface in the primary, the camera at that point brings us into the bustling Verona advertise where we initially meet the two families. We can see the fight between them very quickly as the Capulets promptly attempt to deride the Montagues when they see them. The Montagues didn't fight back and looked the more harmony keeping of the two families, despite the fact that when the Capulets got physical, this is the point at which the reprisal from the Montagues came, and an enormous blade battle broke out. When watching we see the Capu let, Benvolio attempt and separate the battle and make harmony in spite of the fact that he falls flat. This was on the grounds that, by then the firey, fearsome Capulet, Tybalt showed up and nearly staright away, the camera zoomed in up near his face, indicating the crowd he was a man of high height. He wouldn't keep harmony and battled, for example Harmony? I abhor the word! The battle continued for a brief timeframe with the camera demonstrating us a wide range of parts of the activity, yet was then penniless up by the Verona chief, the Prince. In a flash the camera zooms in onto his face and gazes toward him, showing he is of an extremely high height in the town, and is immensely regarded and definitive. He announced that if anybody somehow happened to stir something up again in the town, that individual would be killed, thusly trusting it would stop any contention. Be that as it may, after the preamble in the Lurhman form it cuts without hesitation with us with an entire diverse attitude and expectance. Right off the bat we are welcomed with the Montagues being appeared as the more youthful, more kid like pack. We at that point meet the Capulet group who look much all the more scary as they give the impression of being increasingly experienced, fearsome and sorted out than the Montagues, and we can see that the Montagues know this, as they are indicating bunches of dread towards the Capulets. Now the two posse pioneers are in the gas station shop and outside where the groups are a little contention is breaking out. We at that point see that the Montagues realize their pioneer is coming back to them thus this is the point at which the firearms are raised. Now we meet Benvolio, the Montague chief and to give us he is a primary character, there is a freeze-outline with spaghetti Western style music in the back ground for two or three seconds, and he is attempting to keep the harmony, when Tybalt, the imposing Capulet pioneer comes out (another freeze-outline this time with run of the mill miscreant music) and things get truly tense. The entirety of this shows Zefferlli utilizes the camera to give a perspective while Lurhman doesnt use it for this, and rather utilizes it for sway on his crowd. This is the point at which the weapon battle breaks out and you can obviously observe the distinction in quality, self-restraint and experience between the two groups. The Montagues are obviously frightened, very uncalm and unfocused and continue shooting fiercely hitting the petroleum sign on numerous occasions. While Tybalt is amazingly engaged and for all intents and purposes moves around the station taking shots at the Montagues as though it fell into place without a hitch for him. This at that point breaks out into a battle of a gigantic scope and makes masses of obliteration the city. This is then trailed by a news report indicating recordings of the military, police and helicopters attempting frantically to quiet things down over the entire city and winds up having the two group pioneers (Benvolio and Tybalt) pointing firearms at each other. This general gives us a greater sentiment of stun than the Zefferrelli form as there has been significantly progressively harmed caused, this battle was on an a lot greater scale and that only a basic gnawing of the thumb has caused the entirety of this, thusly giving us how incredible the quarrel between the two posses was.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Secret Weapon for Common App Essay Samples
A Secret Weapon for Common App Essay Samples Well-done samples offer an education in format. The internet application essay field will also cause block formatting of paragraphs and new paragraphs won't be indented. You can type right into the box, or you could paste text from another source. Replace a number of the cliched language. The personal statement isn't the location for extended lists or catalogs of achievement. Don't forget, moments are easily related in 500 words. Regardless of what the conditions, make certain you observe the guidelines. Make a list of your first emotions. The majority of your essay should concentrate on the wake of the troubles you faced. For instance, a student might wish to write about a certain hardship in life which he or she has overcome. By outlining, you are going to know precisely what you're likely to say, and it'll be much easier to continue to keep your essay moving from point to point. You're writing a college application essay, and you should know about your audience. Some can describe events in such detail a reader simply must get to the conclusion of the essay. This prompt is a superb choice if you would like to explore a single event or achievement that marked a very clear milestone in your private improvement. You'll not just save words, but in addition create excitement and immediately draw the reader in your story. If you're able to paint a very clear picture for your reader by giving details, you're a lot more likely to file a marker in their memories. Here's What I Know About Common App Essay Samples There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. You'll discover a check box for the two programs in the internet application. Don't rush filling out each page of the program, and don't neglect to peruse those tips! Bear in mind, the main thing which you can do in order to ease some of the frustration with the Common Application is to keep calm and be patient. Identifying your pre-professional interest on the application will make it possible for your advisors to supply you with a broad variety of support to understand your targets. Applications are reviewed inside the same on-line system. Try to remember that the Common App offers you creative license. The essay topic are available in the on-line application and ought to be no longer than 750 words. Before you submit, you'll be requested to review your essay. Don't have somebody else write your essay, nor wait to compose your essay. Your essay is likely to change so much in the interim between your very first draft and last revision. You don't only want to write a couple of essays all on the subject of your work with Model UN. You'll observe a similar structure in lots of the essays. Our guide gives you the rundown of the most important differences between the Coalition and Common App. The huge pothole on Elm Street that my mother was able to hit each and every day on the best way to school would be filled-in. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. There are some essential things that go into an amazing Common App essay. The War Against Common App Essay Samples If you don't have a word limit in place, students are normally all over the area. At the exact same time, you will impress the college admissions folks greatly if it's possible to present your capacity to learn from your failures and mistakes. Even in these examples, the possible lessons to be learned are endless if you're prepared to consider creatively and imbue a tiny bit of cheeky humor in your private statement. Answer the question within the designated word count, and you will not have to worry. If there is actually no word limit, you can call the school to attempt to find some guidance. A great deal of the words we write are superfluous, and they are able to be removed without a wonderful effect to the point you're attempting to make. 1 word conveys the exact idea.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Image of Nursing Essay - 1614 Words
Nursing is basically a scientific profession with a widespread vision, where nurses care for the physical needs of the people at the same time satisfies their emotional, psychological, and intellectual as well as social and spiritual demands. These Nurses though get professional training but apart from professional training and experiences, a good nurse possess high humanistic quality and has in depth understanding of not only the psychology of her/his patients but also proves to be very soft and patience when her/his patients behave in some rude, unethical and humiliating manner. On the other hand, they also devote special love and care to the patients at the same time, ignoring the unpleasant situations and circumstances when the†¦show more content†¦However, the role of media regarding the profession of nursing has been in constant change prior to both the great World Wars. Prior to the First World War, media highlighted the profession of nursing as the most moral and respectable one by projecting nurses as the virginal angels of mercy. Though, up till the end of World War II it was projected that women are the heroines of the society. However, the role of media in projecting the image of women nurses from the Post-war period has started changing in a negative manner. Initially they were promoted with disrespect if they were wife or a mother, and if an unmarried women opt for this profession, she was not respected enough to get married to with any respectable man of the society. So the negative projection of media resulted the prestigious professio n of nursing to be the principle steppingstone towards marriage. At the same time it makes the women nurses feel the most oppressed group of the American society. Therefore, some media agencies are not playing a very constructive or positive role towards the profession of nursing though some good projects are also on screen that are focusing on the various issues related to the profession of nursing. But some media groups are projecting stereotype images about this profession, discriminating men from women to be a part of this profession. For instance, they are projectingShow MoreRelatedThe Image Of Nursing1280 Words  | 6 PagesThe Image of Nursing Nurses has created a particular image on society and within their profession realm, that depicts them as quite a unique individual, specializing in delivery of quality, compassionate and caring care that is so unique in a meaningful way. With the media involved, the images, both reflect and reinforce the social aspect of nursing throughout the continuum of care. This essay will seek to explore common and complexed images of nursing and tell a story of how those images can playRead MoreNursing Image and Media1449 Words  | 6 PagesNursing the Silent Profession and Media’s influence The nursing image has become a major issue in the society as people have different perception about nursing. Some believe that nurses do their duties out of kindness. This has influenced the nursing image as most people do not see nursing as a good profession. Only few people in the society see nursing as an important profession and consider the qualification of the nurses (Younge amp; Niekerk, 2004). This has led to shortage of nurses in theRead MoreThe Negative Images Of Nursing967 Words  | 4 Pagesspaghetti arms. In the article â€Å"The Negative Images of Nursing †¦Ã¢â‚¬ by Jacquelyn Bishop. She discusses all of these topics from comparing the televised aspect of nursing to the real life thing. In Meet the Parents starring Ben Stiller as a male nurse. In one scene Ben walks into the kitchen and is meeting the family of his girlfriend, Pam. Pam introduces her sister’s fiancà ©, who is a M.D, and his father who is a Plastic Surgeon. When Ben tells them he is in nursing, they start laughing and say â€Å"No, reallyRead MoreImage Of Nursing : A Look At An Historical Image987 Words  | 4 PagesThe field of nursing encompasses a vast array of knowledge, skills, and professionalism. However, often times the image of nursing does not mirror these things. What is image? Many individuals may answer this question differently depending on their age, personal experiences, and exposure to media. The image of nursing is the overall idea, perception, or belief of what nursing is. Image is an important factor in nursing, as a false image may discredit the true heart of nursing, leading to misconceptionsRead MoreThe Image Of Nursing As A Profession936 Words  | 4 Pages Image of Nursing Nursing as a profession is often portrayed by the media in demeaning ways. â€Å"Nurses have often been unfairly and unrealistically portrayed as â€Å"battle axes†or psychologically compromised. And that’s if they are written into the script at all.†(Berkowitz, 2014). â€Å"They are often portrayed as physician helpers, not the highly skilled independent clinicians that we know they are.†(Berkowitz, 2014). Media Portrayal The example of media portrayal that I chose to analyze and discuss showsRead MoreThe Image of Nursing Essay1107 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout time the world’s image on Nursing has evolved rapidly. Nurses work in an extremely stressful environment and must carry out their duties in a professional manner to ensure proper procedures are followed throughout their routines. They also have a considerable amount of responsibility that comes with their career. For those reasons nurses must present themselves in a professional and structured manner at all times. The Image of Nursing describes how people in and out of the profession seeRead MoreThe Professional Image Of Nursing2443 Words  | 10 PagesThe professional image of nursing does not have a very glamorous history. The subservient, handmaiden to the physician stereotype that has historically been accepted is still widely accepted by the general population today. Efforts have been made to show nursing practice as an indepe ndent profession of its own, but much work still needs to be done (Catalano, 2015, p. 9). This paper will serve to show how nursing is portrayed by the media, and accepted by the public; it will also highlight ways inRead MoreImage and Voice of Nursing 1895 Words  | 8 PagesThe nursing profession is one of many portrayed by the media. In its simplest form media is how information is shared and stored. Media covers a wide range of services, advertisements, brochures, pamphlets, TV shows, films, novels, and magazines, digital, electronic, it goes on and on. Media is more accessible these days; the internet and wireless technology makes it easy for many people to access information on a wide scale. As information is shared by the media the public creates an image. ThisRead MoreA Brief Note On The Image Of Nursing961 Words  | 4 PagesImage of Nursing The image of nursing is portrayed in several ways with all different types of media. One of the longest-running and most popular medical drama television shows, Grey’s Anatomy, appears to offer an accurate interpretation of the profession of nursing. However, the fictional show, created by Shonda Rimes, actually degrades nursing along unrealistic practices and representations. The show gives an impression to the viewers that doctors do it all, the physicians control nurses, andRead MoreImages Of The Virgin Mary Nursing Christ950 Words  | 4 Pages1. What was the original function and significance of images of the Virgin Mary nursing Christ (called Virgo Lactans, or Madonna del Latte)? Images of the Virgin Mary nursing Christ were originally intended not as pornography, but as visuals that depicted the nourishment of a child. The social setting of when these images emerge helps explain why these images of exposed breasts were perceived as tolerable. During the mid-fourteenth century Europe experienced a severe food crisis. With the fertilities
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on My Kid’s Dog and Irony - 1121 Words
Jonathan Blais Mr. Ersinghaus Story Critiques 9 May 2011 My Kid’s Dog and Irony Ron Hansen’s work, My Kid’s Dog, is a story about revenge, irony, and circularity. The family pet, Sparky, dies. We are informed of this in the first lines of the piece, â€Å"My kid’s dog died. Sparky. I hated that dog (244).†Here Hansen gives us a clue to their relationship, â€Å"We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt gun in his face and him blinking from the water. And then the holes in the yard. The so-called accidents in the house (244).†Right off the bat we get a clear sense of the mood between the two. Hansen also foreshadows the fact that the dog will somehow get revenge on the narrator, â€Å"And then, at†¦show more content†¦Along this difficult march, the narrator reflects on the life of the dog and remembers the not-so-bad characteristics of the family pet, â€Å"During our joint ordeal I had developed a grudging affection for our pet; he who’d be en so quick to defend my kith and kin against the noise of passing trucks, who took loud notice of the squirrels outside, who held fast in the foyer, hackles raised, fearlessly barking, whenever company arrived at the front door (248).†Soon after this moment the narrator is confronted by a motorist who wishes to ‘help’ him with his heavy looking package, which he describes as a ‘family heirloom.’ The narrator consents, and after loading the dog into the trunk, the motorists takes off, ignorantly and ironically thinking he just stole something of value. The piece ends with the narrator informing his youngest daughter of Sparky’s untimely death and the reveal of the dog’s revenge. After the narrator observes his crying daughter, Hansen concludes, â€Å"And that was Sparky’s final revenge, for I said, ‘Okay, honey. Another dog, just like him (250).’†The narrative structure of the story is fairly straightforward. The narrator is recounting an experience that happened to him at some point in the past. Along with the simple flow of the story, reflective details, and occasional scene, there are some significant techniques that Hansen uses to flesh out and add credibility to his story. Right off the bat we see the title, My Kid’s Dog.Show MoreRelatedThe Creation of Suspense in Different Film Genres Essay1876 Words  | 8 Pagestime we see Ginger there in the opening sequence, is built up full of suspense. Parallel editing becomes a real feature now and so much tension is created in the semi-chase scene between Ginger and Mr Tweedy, plus two of his most vicious dogs! The constant switches of one character to another, really is a technique to draw the audience in and to develop the scene further effectively. Once Ginger becomes cornered by the predatory carnivores, we are introduced to a point-of-viewRead MoreLooking for Richard Transcript11989 Words  | 48 Pagespainstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Looking For Richard. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and Ill be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You wont hurt my feelings. Honest. Swing on back to Drews Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts! Looking For Richard Script Our revels now are ended. These our actors, as I foretold you... ... were all spirits and are melted into air... ... into
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Imperialism Essay Summary Example For Students
Imperialism Essay Summary We live in a world in which the consequences of nineteenth and twentieth century Western imperialism are still being felt. By the early nineteen hundreds Western civilization reached the high point of its long standing global expansion. The expansion took many forms such as economic, political, and cultural imperialism. Europeans invested a lot of money abroad to build railroads, ports, mines, plantations as well as factories and public utilities. Trade began to grow between nations and the economy became more developed. Western civilizations became much more prosperous than the rest of the world due to the land usage and industrialization of Western colonization. The European economic invasion began as peaceful trade, but Westerners became quite willing to force isolated nations of Africa and Asia to open their doors for them. Aside from the economical influences on certain countries, another aspect of the Western expansion was that European states established huge political empires in Africa and Asia. This event, categorized as the new imperialism, occurred when European governments began searching for new territory. Small groups of Europeans began to rule millions of Africans and Asians. The causes of the new imperialism are still hotly debated, but competition for trade, superior military force, advanced technologies, and politics are among the most important. Western imperialism itself is also one of the greatest controversies of world history. Westerners justified their imperialistic reign by explaining their economic, political, and cultural motives for imperialism. Although imperialism seemed destructive to tribal societies, I feel that the justifications hold true and the impact of imperialism has strengthened society. One of the justifications that the Westerners gave for imperialism was that it was in the best interest for the worlds economy. John Hobson describes the imperialists arguments as we must have markets for our growing manufacturers, we must have new outlets for the investment of our surplus capital and for the energies of adventurous surplus of our population: such expansion is a necessity of life to a nation with our great and growing powers of production (Hobson, John. Imperialism. London: Allen and Unwin, 1948. p. 35).A point was made that overseas colonies could serve as sources of raw materials that were not available in Europe and were necessary in industrialization. Europeans explained that Africa and Asia were far behind in the main abilities of manufacture and trade, and imperialism would help them adapt to these new technologies. Westerners claimed that imperialism was important for political and military reasons to maintain strategic locations in other areas. Westerners ex plained that it would benefit Africa and Asia to conform to western politics in order to be in touch with the rest of the world as well as gaining protection from the greater powers. Another justification of imperialism that the Westerners gave was the cultural aspect. Advocates of imperialism sent missionaries to African and Asian lands to convert the people to Christianity. Europeans accounted that by bringing their traditions and Christianity to Africa and Asia it would help bring those people out of their savage state. The benefits that imperialism would bring to the economy, politics, and culture aroused much support in Europe, however the so-called savage people did not return this support. In the book, Traditions and Encounters, it explains that the policies adopted by imperial powers and colonial officials forced peoples of different societies to deal with one another on a regular and systematic basis. Their interactions often led to violent conflicts between colonizers and subject peoples. (Bentley, p. 869). Many of the effects of imperialism exploited the African and Asian people and culture. They were made to assimilate to European ways and were forced to forget their own culture. In the text, The Global Experience, a Micmac responds to a catholic missionary on the idea of conversion, I am greatly astonished that the French have so little cleverness, as they seem to exhibit the matter of which thou hast just told me on their behalf, in the effort, to persuade us to convert our poles, our barks, and our wigwams into those houses of stone and of wood which are tall and lofty.(Schwartz. P.110). This passage portrays how most people under imperialistic rule felt about being forced into a culture that they have never lived under. They did not understand why these things were so important. Many rebellions occurred against the imperialists and great uprisings formed from the religion and traditional beliefs of the communities. Although imperialists exploited Africa and Asia I think that imperialism contributed to the welfare of the entire world and greatly impacted modern society. The justifications that Westerners gave for imperialism were very ethnocentric, yet they hold true. Imperialism did indeed help the economy, the politics, and the culture of mostly European countries, but the African and Asians as well. New technology was established in the third world countries such as transportation, communication, weaponry, industrialization and health care that they had not been introduced to before. They shaped the economies and societies of their colonies by pushing them to supply natural resources and agricultural commodities in exchange for manufac tured products (Bentley, p. 873). A conversion of cultures helped Europeans as well as Africans and Asians tolerate a multicultural world. Imperialism caused a sense of nationalism and pride throughout both the Western societies and Africa and Asia, and in doing so it provoked an appeal to independence. Imperialism began many centuries ago and has greatly influenced the entire world. Imperialism can be considered one of the greatest controversies in world history and remains so today. Although Westerners gave many justifications for the motivation of imperialism and gained much support for it, many people do not think it is a good thing. However, even though many conflicts and exploitation resulted from imperialism, I feel that there has been an overall good impact on the entire world. Imperialism has helped move the economy along, and has made strong political and cultural ties between many countries that are still seen today.We live in a world in which the consequences of nineteen th and twentieth century Western imperialism are still being felt. By the early nineteen hundreds Western civilization reached the high point of its long standing global expansion. The expansion took many forms such as economic, political, and cultural imperialism. Europeans invested a lot of money abroad to build railroads, ports, mines, plantations as well as factories and public utilities. Trade began to grow between nations and the economy became more developed. Western civilizations became much more prosperous than the rest of the world due to the land usage and industrialization of Western colonization. The European economic invasion began as peaceful trade, but Westerners became quite willing to force isolated nations of Africa and Asia to open their doors for them. Aside from the economical influences on certain countries, another aspect of the Western expansion was that European states established huge political empires in Africa and Asia. This event, categorized as the new imperialism, occurred when European governments began searching for new territory. Small groups of Europeans began to rule millions of Africans and Asians. The causes of the new imperialism are still hotly debated, but competition for trade, superior military force, advanced technologies, and politics are among the most important. Western imperialism itself is also one of the greatest controversies of world history. Westerners justified their imperialistic reign by explaining their economic, political, and cultural motives for imperialism. Although imperialism seemed destructive to tribal societies, I feel that the justifications hold true and the impact of imperialism has strengthened society. The Lightning Storm EssayOne of the justifications that the Westerners gave for imperialism was that it was in the best interest for the worlds economy. John Hobson describes the imperialists arguments as we must have markets for our growing manufacturers, we must have new outlets for the investment of our surplus capital and for the energies of adventurous surplus of our population: such expansion is a necessity of life to a nation with our great and growing powers of production (Hobson, John. Imperialism. London: Allen and Unwin, 1948. p. 35).A point was made that overseas colonies could serve as sources of raw materials that were not available in Europe and were necessary in industrialization. Europeans explained that Africa and Asia were far behind in the main abilities of manufacture and trade, and imperialism would help them adapt to these new technologies. Westerners claimed that imperialism was important for political and military reasons to maintain strategic locations in other areas. Westerners explained that it would benefit Africa and Asia to conform to western politics in order to be in touch with the rest of the world as well as gaining protection from the greater powers. Another justification of imperialism that the Westerners gave was the cultural aspect. Advocates of imperialism sent missionaries to African and Asian lands to convert the people to Christianity. Europeans accounted that by bringing their traditions and Christianity to Africa and Asia it would help bring those people out of their savage state. The benefits that imperialism would bring to the economy, politics, and culture aroused much support in Europe, however the so-called savage people did not return this support. In the book, Traditions and Encounters, it explains that the policies adopted by imperial powers and colonial officials forced peoples of different societies to deal with one another on a regular and systematic basis. Their interactions often led to violent conflicts between colonizers and subject peoples. (Bentley, p. 869). Many of the effects of imperialism exploited the African and Asian people and culture. They were made to assimilate to European ways and were forced to forget their own culture. In the text, The Global Experience, a Micmac responds to a catholic missionary on the idea of conversion, I am greatly astonished that the French have so little cleverness, as they seem to exhibit the matter of which thou hast just told me on their behalf, in the effort, to persuade us to convert our poles, our barks, and our wigwams into those houses of stone and of wood which are tall and lofty.(Schwartz. P.110). This passage portrays how most people under imperialistic rule felt about being forced into a culture that they have never lived under. They did not understand why these things were so important. Many rebellions occurred against the imperialists and great uprisings formed from the religion and traditional beliefs of the communities. Although imperialists exploited Africa and Asia I think that imperialism contributed to the welfare of the entire world and greatly impacted modern society. The justifications that Westerners gave for imperialism were very ethnocentric, yet they hold true. Imperialism did indeed help the economy, the politics, and the culture of mostly European countries, but the African and Asians as well. New technology was established in the third world countries such as transportation, communication, weaponry, industrialization and health care that they had not been introduced to before. They shaped the economies and societies of their colonies by pushing them to supply natural resources and agricultural commodities in exchange for manufac tured products (Bentley, p. 873). A conversion of cultures helped Europeans as well as Africans and Asians tolerate a multicultural world. Imperialism caused a sense of nationalism and pride throughout both the Western societies and Africa and Asia, and in doing so it provoked an appeal to independence. Imperialism began many centuries ago and has greatly influenced the entire world. Imperialism can be considered one of the greatest controversies in world history and remains so today. Although Westerners gave many justifications for the motivation of imperialism and gained much support for it, many people do not think it is a good thing. However, even though many conflicts and exploitation resulted from imperialism, I feel that there has been an overall good impact on the entire world. Imperialism has helped move the economy along, and has made strong political and cultural ties between many countries that are still seen today.Bibliography:
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The use of marijuana for medical purposes Essay Example For Students
The use of marijuana for medical purposes Essay The Use of Marijuana for Medicinal PurposesMarijuana is illegal because of its classification as an illicit drug, but there are some issues that have been established saying that this illicit drug has improved the treatment for suffering patients. Marijuana has lots of beneficial effects when used in medicinal settings for the treatment of pain; but it should be an administered drug for patients who can benefit from the use of this drug. Marijuana has had analysis for its use as a medicine and the results showed improvements in the patients who were treated with this drug. Doctors have expressed opposite opinions, making this theme very controversial. I have researched for its positive effects when used properly, so that marijuana can be considered in treating patients. We will write a custom essay on The use of marijuana for medical purposes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Much of the opposite opinions about this issue have to do with the hands of the government, which says that marijuana is not a safe medicine, versus the doctors who research the topic for medicinal purposes. Nevertheless, not all doctors feel that cannabis should be a legal prescribed medicine; it is in their hands to decide so. The Institute of Medicine has also this controversy when it said smoking marijuana is risky, but also recommended that critically ill patients should be allowed to use it under closely monitored settings (Koch 707). A specialist at the National Cancer Institute authorized his patients to use the drug, but not over do it (Koch 708). With all this, one would think that doctors wouldnt be so enthusiastic to offer the drug as a reliever. The National Institute of Drug Abuse puts approximately 300 free joints each month for patients who are in an experimental program . The Government proclaims there is no therapeutic value in the medicinal use of marijuana, but they do not have hard evidence to prove it. Ira Glasser, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, (at a congressional forum) expressed: the government has demonized all drug use without differentiation and has systematically and hysterically resisted science. (Koch 714) Possibly if the two sides would work together an agreement could be established concerning procedures for further development and treatment. Marijuana has eased the pain of chemotherapy, severe muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, weight-loss due to the AIDS virus, and other problems . Experts from the National Institute of Health or NIH have confirmed that marijuana is an effective, safe and inexpensive alternative for treating nausea caused by AIDS medications and cancer treatments other such ailments as glaucoma, muscle spasms, intractable pain, epilepsy, anorexia, asthma, insomnia, depression and other disorders . Other such ailments in which marijuana has been said to help are Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease, repetitive migraines, and Alzheimers, but the NIH has not reported those results . The National Institute of Medicine shows us that the benefits from cannabis short term use doesnt hinder the possible hazards of its long-term use . Marijuana has beneficial outlook for some illnesses, but experimentation is limited due to its unlawfulness. The positive effects of this drug are helping a limited number so doctors have tried to work with the government to create a reliable way to distribute the drug without smoking it.The work being done to find a chemical fabricate should clarify that marijuana has some medicinal value. In 1986 a THC based synthetic called Marinol was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, unfortunately it did not treat as well as cannabis . Government experts have indicated that marijuana does relieve pain, and other disorders, but it does not cure them, therefore can not be legalized as a prescription drug (Grinspoon 55). In many cases marijuana has been the building block for recovery, and it has given sick people a chance to move on without the tension and pain . Government experts have concealed some information about similar prescription drugs, such as: percocet and codeine. .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded , .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .postImageUrl , .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded , .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:hover , .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:visited , .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:active { border:0!important; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:active , .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u77e5b9f28d658c667c82113c624aaded:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Humanity Essay Both are very addictive and they only relieve the pain. Medicinal marijuana has similar side effects as the often prescribed stimulants, but it is not quite as addictive . With all the research and time spent on the use of marijuana as a medical treatment, one would think that cannabis is beneficial and could
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Words for Saintly Golden Light
Words for Saintly Golden Light Words for Saintly Golden Light Words for Saintly Golden Light By Maeve Maddox Everyones familiar with the word halo in the sense of a circle of light behind or above the head of a saintly person in a painting. The word halo comes from a Greek word meaning disk of the sun or moon. The first recorded use in English of halo with the sense of light around the head of a holy person or deity is 1646. However, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and other non-Christian cultures used the symbol in art to denote divinity or prestige. Gods and rulers were often depicted with halos. In addition to the halo, artists have used other symbols to denote saintliness or divinity. Writers may find some of the terms for these symbols useful in describing not just supernatural characters, but to convey certain effects of light. The word nimbus is sometimes used as a synonym for halo, but it has the primary meaning of a bright or luminous cloud or cloud-like formation supposedly enveloping or surrounding a deity or supernatural being OED The aureole is another word sometimes used as a synonym for halo, but is frequently used to denote a light emanating from the entire body of the holy figure. The OED offers this note on the definition of aureole: Didron (Iconographie Chrà ©tienne p. 109) by a strange blunder takes aureola for a diminutive of aura ‘emanation, exhalation,’ and defines it as a mantle of light emanating from and enveloping the body, as distinct from the nimbus, which he confines to the head. This definition, which reverses the historical use both of aureola and nimbus, is not accepted in France (see Littrà ©), but has been copied by Fairholt, and various English Dictionaries. A diminutive of Latin aureus golden, the aureole was used in medieval Christian art to indicate the heavenly crown earned by martyrs and virgins. The mandorla is an almond-shaped panel or decorative space, usually framing an image of Christ. The name comes from the Italian word for almond. One of the many definitions of glory is the circle of light represented as surrounding the head, or the whole figure, of the Saviour, the Virgin, or one of the Saints. The OED gives the word gloriole as a synonym for both aureole and halo. All of these terms have other uses. For example, nimbus comes from a word for cloud and, like halo, has weather applications as well. You can see illustrations of the different types of saintly symbolism at these Wikipedia sites: aureole and mandorla Apollo with a halo This site mentions an interesting use of the glory in religious art. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithTime Words: Era, Epoch, and Eon9 Forms of the Past Tense
Monday, February 24, 2020
Write a detailed report on a song using key musical terms Essay
Write a detailed report on a song using key musical terms - Essay Example The first verse and the corresponding chorus is sung by Paisley and it mainly focuses on the male traits whilst the second verse and corresponding chorus is sung by Krauss, which mainly talks about the female counterpart. The song commences with elucidating the underlying way in regard to the promise of true love was washed away by the womans infidelity because the man went away to fight for his country. The man, however, does not easily forget about her and, therefore, turns to alcoholism to try and wash the memories away to no avail. The middle of the song clearly relates with the start as it shows the regret the woman felt because of what she did. She blames herself and turns to alcoholism too. The last part of the song thereby summarizes the middle and the beginning when the woman finally kills herself. The meter or the number of lines in the verse is the same in the chorus and the two main verses. The verses have five lines while the chorus is composed of eight lines. The prevailing lyrics of the song are described as additive going by the increased number of lines from five in the verses to eight in the chorus. The instruments used in the song included: the light drum that keeps the beat and the guitar that sets up the melody. There is also the use of Dobro that entails a brand of acoustic guitar and commonly by the singers on their lap with raised bridge and metal resonator cone. The voice of both Brad and Krauss are quite appealing and they sing in a manner that brings out the melodious nature of the guitars used. The melody of the song first comes across as sad, but close analysis brings out the melody as not happy, but more of a bittersweet sound that is relevant to the lyrics of the song. However, the song can be described as predominantly of one melodic voice (homophony) as there are no simultaneous lines of independent melody. The melody also invokes a sense of heaviness or solemnity due to the Aeolian
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Marketing Audit and set Marketing Objectives for British American Assignment
Marketing Audit and set Marketing Objectives for British American Tobacco Company - Assignment Example The threats facing the company include the illicit and counterfeit trade, stringent regulations, high excise taxes and stiff competition. BAT can use its strengths to exploit opportunities in the e-cigarette customer segment, lucrative China market or make strategic acquisitions in emerging markets. BAT is a leading global tobacco company that was founded in 1902. The company has operates in more than 200 countries and has attained success through acting responsibly in the controversial tobacco industry (Lussier 2008). BAT has a diverse product portfolio that includes more than 200 brands that are sold in more than 200 markets across the world. The market is estimated at one billion adult smokers and some of the global brands include Dunhill, Pall Mall, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, and Lucky Strike. Yach and Bettcher (2000) outlines that BAT has a strong presence in all geographical markets such as Americas, Asia-Pacific Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa and has established 45 cigarette factories in 41 countries across the world (p 210). The traditional BAT tobacco products include the cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco while the next-generation products that are more innovative include the electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn devices (Hagele 2010). According to the 2013 financial results, BAT attained strong market and strong earnings growth despite unfavourable operating environment and currency movements in some parts of the world. The company increased its diluted earnings per share by 6 percent in 2013 and total dividends were increased by 6 percent. The company managed to sell 676 billion cigarettes in more than 200 market and recorded 15,260 million pounds in revenues. BAT adopted a new vision and new strategy in 2013 that reflects the needs of the consumers. BAT has implemented a sustainability approach to its
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Worn Path analysis Essay Example for Free
The Worn Path analysis Essay In the story â€Å"A Worn Path†, there is a repetitive comparison between the main character and a mythological creature. The author Eudora Welty chooses Phoenix Jackson to symbolize through color, her appearance, behavior and overall journey a Phoenix bird. The author gives description to focus on Phoenix Jackson’s age. She says that â€Å"her eyes were blue with age†, are hints of extreme age. Another description of her the author says â€Å"her skin had a pattern all of its own branching wrinkles. †This implies that an old tree has many branches as the old woman’s skin has many wrinkles. Later in the story when she encounters the hunter he asks of her age. She replies â€Å"there is no telling mister†, which tells you that phoenix is unaware of her age now that she has become so old like the phoenix bird. The phoenix has a life span of 500-1000 years before it reincarnates making it eternal. The color descriptions that are given to Phoenix Jackson are those of an actual Phoenix. Welty says that Phoenix has â€Å"a golden color that runs underneath and the two knobs of her cheeks were illuminated by a yellow burning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The phoenix bird is most recognizable by its colors, the fire bird. It’s beautiful colors of red orange and yellow give it its illuminated glow, the same colors given to phoenix Jackson. The animalistic characteristics of a bird are also given to Phoenix Jackson. She doesn’t see well, so in her journey through the woods she relies on her instinct to direct her on her path. She even closes her eyes when crossing a river. She is also protective of her grandson. Making a life threatening trek for his medicine because he cannot care for himself makes her his protector. A mother bird is very protective of her chicks, Phoenix even describes her grandson by saying â€Å"He wears a patch quilt and peep out holding his mouth wide open like a little bird.†There are numerous references that compare Phoenix to a bird. By her overall outlook on her journey she relies on instinct to carry her forward but she sees things differently than most. The view of a bird is a different one than any creature on land because they have a different perspective as does Phoenix Jackson.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Florence D Griffith :: Essays Papers
Florence D Griffith Florence D. Griffith nicknamed Dee Dee, Was born on December 21 195. She grew up in a project in Watts, a poor section in Los Angeles California. Florence had 11 brothers and sisters. She would often ask why there were so poor? Her mother would tell her that they were rich as a family. Florence was stubborn as a child. Sometimes she would go for days without speaking to anyone. She just read her books. She loved poems. Florence always wanted to stand out and be her own self. She had her own ideas about how to accomplish this. In kindergarten she wore her hair in a single braid that stuck up in the air. In high school she had a Boa Constrictor Snake for a pet. Florence was also an exceptional student. These tree things were not enough for Young Florence. She proved that she was an exceptional athlete. At age of seven, she liked chasing jack rabbits. She won most if the little games she played with the rabbits. When she decided that she really liked running. She joined the Sugar Ray Robinson Youth Foundation. This time she ran against children her age.S he beat them all. But in high school she did set reacords in the sprint and the long jump. But there was one girl she just couldn't beat. Her name was Valerie Brisco. Bobby Kersee became her coach. Later, Valerie Brisco joined them both at the University of southern Calirfoina. Bobby coached her throughout college. She was invited to the United States Olympic Trials in 1980. She came up just short of gaining a spot on the team in the 200 meter. It was her rival, Valerie Brisco, She took that spot away from her. In 1982 she gained a little spotlight when she won the National Colligate Meter with the time of 22.39 seconds. This caused people to look at her a little closer. In college, she still liked to stand out like she did in Kindergarten. During this time, she wore six inch nails with designs on them.
Monday, January 13, 2020
A Good Man Is Hard to Find – Summary
A Good Man Is Hard to Find- my Initial reaction to this story was Intrigue. I was hooked from the first paragraph because I could foresee some sort of disaster or problem arising. I thought the story did not fail to entertain me. I really enjoyed reading the story and am interested in reading more stories from this author. Good Country People- I found Good Country People a little harder to follow and I kept losing interest in this story. I liked the previous story A Good Man is Hard to Find because it as intriguing.I think there may have been too much about religion In this story so It lost my Interest. (2) Is the story primarily escape or interpretive? Good Man is Hard to Find-this story is both escape and interpretive. I loved how the story took me to this era and I felt as if I were there to witness the family's run in with the misfit. On the other hand, it is interpretive because there was foreshadowing and symbolism in the story. Good Country People-this story Is more Interpreti ve because as a reader, I was spending ore time Interpreting what was going on as opposed to getting lost In the story and enjoying it. 3) What does the title mean? Are there any double meanings? A Good Man is Hard to Find- This title was tricky for me because before I read the story, I thought it was going to be about a woman who was down on her luck and unlucky with love. I thought I would be able to relate to the story but found the story to be a lot different than I thought. I still am unsure of what the title means and look forward to reading the responses of my classmates to see what their interpretation of the title means. 4) Summarize the plot in 4 or 5 sentences hitting on the following points: a.What happened in the beginning? A grandmother, her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren go on a trip even though most of the family members are reluctant to go on the trip. B. What was the rolling action? A cat causes the family to get In an accident In their vehicle while on th eir trip. C. Climax? They run Into a misfit and his friend who are escapees. The misfit talks to the grandmother while her family members are being shot to death. D. Falling action? The grandmother tries to talk the sift out of killing her and calls him her son. . Conclusion? The misfit kills the grandmother at the end of the story. (5) When/Where Is the story set? What clues led you to that conclusion? The story Is set in the South during the early 1 sass. I think this is the setting of the story because of the way the story is written and the way the grandmother talks about the plantations. 6) What Is the nature of the conflict? The conflict occurs from the beginning when the family heads off for their trip. Antagonists at one point or another. (8) How would you classify these characters? Mound or flat) (developing or static) The grandchildren seem to be flat but the grandmother is static. (9) Are symbols used in the story? Symbols used in the story are the misfit, the detour the grandmother wants to take, the grandmothers hat, and the cat that causes the accident. (10) What is the theme? How do you know? I am not religious but I would assume the theme has to deal with religion and God. Now for the story specific questions: â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†(1) What is the significance of the misfit? The misfit represents a good man gone bad.He was once a good man but something happened in his life to make him a hardened criminal. (2) What does the grandmother consider a â€Å"good man†? Does she think Bailey is a good man? The grandmother thinks a man is a good man if his values are the same as hers. I think she believes he is a good man because when she talks to him, he seems like his values are the same and then he shoots her and proves her wrong. (3) Why is the ending of this story significant? The ending is significant because it gives the reader insight into what the title of the short story means
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Two Views of Affirmative Action Essay - 1498 Words
Two Views of Affirmative Action We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal†¦. Even before it became a nation, America was heralded as a land of equality. Thomas Jeffersons statement begs more than a few questions, one of which is: How can we ensure equality to everyone? Beginning in the late 1960s, the federal government provided an answer to this question in the form of affirmative action. In recent years, many people have called this policy into question. Interestingly, affirmative action is sometimes attacked by the people it helps, and defended by those it hurts. In particular, two recent essays demonstrate that peoples race does not necessarily determine their beliefs on the issue of affirmative†¦show more content†¦He is, in effect, saying that his position must be right because he supports affirmative action out of the goodness of his heart, rather than because he benefits from it. In contrast to Spickard, Steele begins with the opposite scenario, stating how he could really be helped by affirmative action through financial aid for his childrens college education. However, he says that he does not want the assistance of affirmative action, because he believes the help should go to those who are truly at a disadvantage, not to those whose only disadvantage is the color of their skin. To him, it simply makes no sense for African-American students who are well removed from the kind of deprivation that would qualify [them] as disadvantaged to receive scholarship and grant money when that assistance is denied to poor white students. Next, Spickard claims that affirmative action is a way to help make life fair for minorities. He states that Americas initial push for equal opportunity resulted in very little progress, so affirmative action was needed to level the playing field. Steele, on the other hand, contradicts Spickard by saying that blacks had made great advances during the 60s without quotas, and that the quotas involved in affirmative action actually slanted the playing field in the opposite direction, rather than leveling it. However, neither authorShow MoreRelatedDoes Affirmative Action Make Moral Sense?1084 Words  | 5 PagesDoes affirmative action make moral sense? A moral being is one capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct, but a big question that follows concerns the idea if there even is such a thing as â€Å"right conduct.†â€Å"Whatever can be proved to be good, must be so by being shown to be a means to something admitted to be good†(Mill 6). In John Stuart Mill’s book, â€Å"Utilitarianism,†he states this notion where an individual assumes good things are good without knowing why they’re good. Defined fromRead MoreAffirmative Action: Equality for All? Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesAffirmative Action: Equality for All? Affirmative action in the United States has become a misused and misguided practice in modern times. In the current form of affirmative action, it is impossible to create a truly equal society. It was originally used as an equal opportunity measure to allow qualified minorities into positions they were denied because of race. However, affirmative action has become a system of racial quotas that lowers standards for minority applicants in order to give themRead MoreAffirmative Action Essay968 Words  | 4 PagesTwo hundred years ago in America, being born of a certain race or gender predetermined one’s opportunities in life. African Americans were subjected to slavery and discrimination and women had very little liberty. In the present, the United States is much closer to equality, yet gender and race still play a role in life’s opportunities given the high frequency of affirmative action programs; they attempt to increase the representation of minorities on college c ampuses and in the office, regardlessRead MoreThe Importance Of Distributing Desert Based Aid At A Small Liberal Arts School1441 Words  | 6 PagesMountain College, several arguments present themselves: one, desert based aid insures that incoming students meet a standard that facilitates strong academics, which in turn improves the school s reputation and contributes to its long term viability; two, it incentivises students to work hard academically, benefiting fellow students and faculty who appreciate active classroom involvement and discussion; and three, students with good grades have likely worked hard for them and deserve just compensationRead More Affirmative Action Essay1086 Words  | 5 Pages The roots of Affirmative Action can be traced back to the passage of the Civil Rights Act where legislation redefined public and private behavior. The act states that to discriminate in private is legal, but anything regarding business or public discrimination is illegal. There are two instances when opposing affirmative action might seem the wrong thing to do. The nobility of the cause that help others. Affirmative Action was a great starter for equality in the work place. The mostRead More Affirmative Action Is the Wrong Action Essays1708 Words  | 7 PagesAffirmative Action Is the Wrong Action The United States of America has long been a country divided by race. Hate has pervaded her existence since her conception, and now today’s society is forced to deal with those issues. Minorities have suffered at the hands of the white male majority for centuries as the social activities of the old war were brought to the new colonies, only to ferment and continue to affect the lives of all who lived within her borders. There is no doubting that thisRead MoreLegal Aspect of Affirmative Action Essay1288 Words  | 6 PagesAffirmative action programs are often misunderstood. Each person has their own idea of what affirmative action really entails. This paper will provide an overview of the legal aspect of affirmative action. The differences between affirmative action programs and equal opportunity legislation will be explained. The positive arguments will be presented along with the negative arguments. The affects affirmative action has on the society of the United State s will be analyzed. Finally the reactionsRead MoreEssay on Affirmative Action1571 Words  | 7 PagesAffirmative Action Affirmative action is one of the more recent and popular civil rights policies that affect todays society. Affirmative action can be described as nothing more than a lower educational standard for minorities. It has become quite clear that affirmative action is unfair and unjust. However, in order to blend race, culture, and genders to create a stable and diverse society, someone has to give. How can this be justified? Is there a firm right or wrong to affirmative actionRead MoreAffirmative Action719 Words  | 3 PagesAffirmative Action Generations of families have suffered due unequal laws or prejudices set in place to prevent minorities from growing. Slavery, segregation, separate but equal laws, the trail of tears, failing ESOL classes, unequal pay and so much more effect todays youth and causing history to change slowly if at all. Affirmative action has good intentions and is very much needed in todays world however it sometimes fails doing what it was created to do. The extra points given to theRead MoreWhy We Still Need Affirmitive Action1493 Words  | 6 PagesWhy we still need affirmative action Because of the complex nature of the discussion on affirmative action and the controversies and the emotion surrounding it, it is imperative to first recap on the causes of race and inequality in the United States of America. The policies on affirmative action were proposed as a fractional remedy for the socio-economic impacts of past and present disadvantage faced by certain groups in the population, especially with regard to biases on gender and race. Such disadvantages
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